Mr. Markley graduated and now has his economics degree. Yippe! He didn't even have to get naked and run down the street. LOL I myself had a hard time getting into school and studying. I commend anyone with the determination and drive to obtain this goal in life. This is such a wonderful accomplishment. I however, do not believe this concept (college) is for everyone. I believe there are people that are book smart and then there are those that are life smart. I'm the later. I think life is a struggle with many difficult roads we must choose. Depending on which road is where our paths lead us and our destinies are created. I believe we are all products of our environments and are blessed with our own abilities to strive to be who we are. I choose to try Beauty school and wanted to get out and start running in life and make money. I am a hard worker, so at a early age I decided to concur my eagerness and get going in the adult world of debt. I wanted a house. A nice car and most of all independence. What did this teach me. I built a successful business (when the economy was good)on my own, bought my first town house at 23, and jumped from a Mercedes to Lexus to BMW in a few years. Got married, bought Harley's and lived the good life. I traveled all over the world. I got to appreciate all different types of cultures that I encountered. I believe, that it is most important to see the world and embrace and learn other cultures. This is the greatest form of learning to expand your boundaries and see life. I'm thankful.
I guess I'm a hands on kinda girl. Married to a college grad I'm so amazed at his perseverance and determination to accomplish such a feat. Both our lives have changed. Mine due to the economic down slide of our economy. Which has put me on a budget.(OMG) Gabe's in having a great job and making the most out of his career. Our tables have turned but it has embraced both of us and set us on the strongest ride life has to give. We are both holding on to each other and loving every minute.
Love the blog keep them coming....