

Thursday, June 25, 2009

How lucky we are to have two beautiful, healthy girls.
When I see them together loving on each other I forget everything else that's going on in our crazy world. These two girls, sisters, daughters, grandchildren, great grandchildren, cousins and nieces are very lucky to have such an extended family filled with love. There world is just begining and is unshattered by unopened minds. In our family we choose not to use terms which do not apply, such as step child, we love and except with no boundaries. I wanted to thank all who have accepted and loved our family as unique as it is. Family to me is the most important. Family is the rock for a solid fondation for every childs future. I want these girls to share and experience everything we can provide for them. They are sisters and equals who in the end will have a special bond between them.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Just when u thought we had it bad

Alright I have mildew coming out of every crack in my body after all this rain. But in looking at this picture of Brisla barring the winter wonderland to get to her swing set I will take the rain any day. The 1/2 hour it spent squeezing her little butt into the outfit and half hour getting it off without ripping her wet skin off was a pain in the butt. And she was only out
there for 10 minutes.
Anyway s, who cares about the hundreds of dollars I have spent on the yard for grass, flowers, bulbs, and mulch. (don't tell my significant other) LOL My plants are dying,(or have washed away) my children are grumpy, my clients are canceling, and this Markley Mama is tired.
So if your listening, oh hire power in the sky, please give us warm sunny weather soon. Hope she is listening....If not Im investing my money in umbrellas and rain boots.

Monday, June 22, 2009

Whos Your Daddy

Fathers Day
We had a great Fathers Day at the Markley house on Pickernelle Lane.
I appreciate those dads that take the time to create a special bond with there
spawn. (as my hubby refers to our children since in they were little hitch hikers in my womb) This lifetime job is not a easy task. Sometimes your just want to strangle the little nuggets, other times you want to cry with the joy they fill you with. There is no other job in the world that can compare to being a parent. Its a 24/7 no stop task. So Im giving a big hug to all those Dads out there.

My father is very special to me. As a little girl we didn't have a close relationship because he supported our family by working a full-time job while also running his own painting company. Hmmm that's why I always have a paint brush in hand. LOL I never saw him, so early in my teens figured out the only way I was going to see him would be to PAINT!! Off I went in the summers with him to various houses in Rye, New Castle, Newburyport, etc. This wasnt my calling. I got stuck with all the monotanious jobs, shutters,windows, and doors. That carrer was short lived. But the time I spent with my dad that summer was priceless.
I commend my father for also over coming Alcholism. It took him three different tries to overcome the disease. What a feat. I also give him credit for taking care of my brother 24/7 and dedicating his own life so his son has a better way of life. This is a special father who makes my life easier and supports me through tough times and makes me laugh with his dry sense of humor.
You Rock Dad:)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Music Plug "Thats Not My Name"

Im promoting a new group I discovered one night when I was up at 2 am watching a talk show. I love there energy and different style of music and fashion. It brought me back to my teenage years when the music was simple and not filled with violence, sexual content, and swearing. Except for Naughty by Nature which I must admit I still like. There one song which I heard "thats not my name"
is #2 on there CD. The group is two people, a guy plays the instruments and is a back up signer and she is the main signer. They are called The Ting Tings. Check it out. I bought the CD and love most of it. Very Creative.

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Take me out of the ball game!!!!

Take me out of the ball game!!
My first baseball game at the famous Fenway Park.
We sat eating our steak subs on a beautiful Saturday afternoon in the bleachers at Fenway. The park which I thought was a lot smaller in person was still impressive with all the history it holds inside those dirty green walls.
With two hours before game time my husband twisted my arm to go to the top of Fenway where there is a bar that over looks the field. Well maybe I went willingly. I actually wanted to check out the scene. Our older gentlemen of a bartender had a dry sense of humor. Reciting the specials of two dollar hot dogs and winking at me for the special on "fruit salad". I replied with a "what do u mean "fruit salad", after all arnt we all a little fruity at times. He liked me.LOL
This was an exciting day and all I could think about was my little girls. How I couldnt wait to take them to a Red Sox game. I had wished my parents had done more things like this when we were little. In proceeding to get to our seats before the game was about to begin, the ever so graceful Bethany slips on a wet cement step. In sandals with no traction I attempt to catch myself and hope no one is looking and that i can make a quick recovery. No such luck. I almost wiped out my poor hubby too. Eight steps later and two broken toes I hobble back to my seat. As I look down to asses the damage I notice my toe polish is gone off the toes and Im bleeding. Trying to hold back the tears the pain is shooting up my leg into my lower back. It could be worse I could have broke an ankle. Now Im made and Im not going to let this ruin my first trip to Fenway. After all think of Curt shilling and all the blood he splattered on that field. Now my blood was there too and even better I have a great story to tell my kids.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Where has time gone, how does it pass by so fast.
A soft breeze passes by my skin,
a reminder that another season is about to begin.
Watching the trees sway from up above,
relaxing as another day has just begun.
Sounds of chicken chatter off in the distance,
awakes me from a distant childhood remembrance.
A peaceful place is where Im at, grateful, and so blessed.