Fathers Day
We had a great Fathers Day at the Markley house on Pickernelle Lane.
I appreciate those dads that take the time to create a special bond with there
spawn. (as my hubby refers to our children since in they were little hitch hikers in my womb) This lifetime job is not a easy task. Sometimes your just want to strangle the little nuggets, other times you want to cry with the joy they fill you with. There is no other job in the world that can compare to being a parent. Its a 24/7 no stop task. So Im giving a big hug to all those Dads out there.
My father is very special to me. As a little girl we didn't have a close relationship because he supported our family by working a full-time job while also running his own painting company. Hmmm that's why I always have a paint brush in hand. LOL I never saw him, so early in my teens figured out the only way I was going to see him would be to PAINT!! Off I went in the summers with him to various houses in Rye, New Castle, Newburyport, etc. This wasnt my calling. I got stuck with all the monotanious jobs, shutters,windows, and doors. That carrer was short lived. But the time I spent with my dad that summer was priceless.
I commend my father for also over coming Alcholism. It took him three different tries to overcome the disease. What a feat. I also give him credit for taking care of my brother 24/7 and dedicating his own life so his son has a better way of life. This is a special father who makes my life easier and supports me through tough times and makes me laugh with his dry sense of humor.
You Rock Dad:)
:-) I love you